Tuesday, November 20, 2018

McScottyReads Blog Hello and dedictaion

Hello and welcome to McScottyReads!

I have just begun contributing readings to Librivix.org.  a project that is working to convert public domain texts into audio book format, and releasing them all into the public domain.  I have derived a good deal of joy from listening to these works, and as a listener I believe it is only right to contribute back to this worthwhile project as a volunteer.  As projects I contribute to are released, I plan to link to them on this blog, as an easy reference for myself if nothing else.

I encourage you to give Librivox a try.  There is an ever-growing catalog of works there to listen to, all for free, and in many genres.  If you enjoy listening (or even if you don't), consider contributing time and talent to the project.  It's not hard and can take about as little or as much time as you'd like to contribute.

I'd like to take a moment to dedicate this ongoing work as a tribute to my brother Greg.  He was an avid reader and a staunch supporter of free and open source projects that mattered, and he helped develop those values in me as well.  He was a huge fan of science fiction; his love of reading and sharing this material was fueled to a fever pitch surrounded by like-minded MITSFS folks during his college years and beyond.  While attending MIT he also found a community of like-minded service-oriented people in the Alpha Phi Omega service fraternity; he remained active with APO well past his college days.  This found family remains family decades later, and after Greg's untimely death at the age of 44, in a house fire.  Long time members of the filking community may remember Greg as filkergem.

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